Community Elders:

If you are a Morningside Village elder and want to either volunteer or have a volunteer visit you,
call 917-977-1199.
(Our volunteers have been carefully screened and work in pairs.)

Amsterdam House, Home to Hundreds of Elders in our Community

Located in the heart of Morningside Village at 1040 Amsterdam Avenue, is Amsterdam House, where culture change is happening. Traditionally, people who enter nursing homes don’t have many chances to decide on what they will do and when. In an in­ter­view with Bar­bara Bell, Re­creat­ion Di­rect­or, we learned that the Home has be­gun a­dop­ting re­si­dent-cent­ered care po­li­cies.

For example, now residents are asked about their preferred routines and contribute to creating their own care plans. And, as of July, they can receive visits 24 hours a day. In time, more changes will come. The ultimate aim of this transformation process is to improve the all around health of residents.

Currently, there is a call for vo­lun­teers. Some of the re­si­dents’ fa­mi­lies and/or friends live far a­way or are unable to make frequent visits to their loved one, and some residents have even outlived their families and friends. So there is a strong need there for friendly visits from people who can reach out to residents, many of whom are unable to go outside un­ac­com­pa­nied. Ms. Bell be­lieves that be­cause Morn­ing­side Vil­la­gers live in close proximity to the nursing home, our contributions can be highly enriching to residents.

The enrichment goes both ways, says John H, resident of 111th Street. “When I recently went walking about the Cathedral garden with Arthur, an Amsterdam House resident with an interesting past, I thoroughly enjoyed a work-break meandering among the birds and bees, the lilies and the fruit trees.”

Favicon LiLY Morningside Village


September 16th, Wednesday, 6 PM
Morningside Village Volunteer Organizing Meeting at Bank Street College,
610 W. 112th St.

September 27th, Sunday
Cathedral of St John the Divine -
U.N. Sunday - honoring mission of
United Nations - Global Peace

October 4th, Sunday, 11 AM
Blessing of the Animals,
followed by a fair on the Cathedral grounds.

October 15th, Thursday, 2 PM
Bookculture — Discussion Circle for Seniors, first meeting.

October 23rd, Friday, 6 PM
Morningside Village gathering,
location to be announced.

Help Wanted

Dis­abled sen­ior neigh­bor would like some­one to help with house­keep­ing in ex­change for Eng­lish lang­uage les­sons. Call 917-977-1199 or e-mail Staff@L‑i‑L‑


El­derly wi­dow, re­cover­ing from back in­jury, seeks pro­gres­sive, in­tel­li­gent male com­pan­ion for in­te­rest­ing thea­ter, o­pe­ra, films, din­ing and pos­si­ble tra­vel. Reach me via e-mail at emv@L‑i‑L‑ or call 917-977-1199.

Villager Notes

If you can’t make the September 16th meeting but want to volunteer, please contact us. Also, we welcome submissions for our next issue of the Villager.

Morningside Village
Lifeforce in Later Years
P. O. Box 250402
New York, NY 10025

Tel.: 917-977-1199
Email: MVInfo@L‑i‑L‑

You can visit the
Morningside Village Webpage at