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For the current LiLY website, click here.

Donate To Support LiLY

Morningside Village Asian Americans

(Photo courtesy of
Irene Zola)

LiLY Donation Photo

An Animated Conversation at a Morningside Village Tea Party

(Photo courtesy of John H)

Because of people like you, the lives of our elders can change drastically — for the better! Your generous support of LiLY’s vital work will help us to grow our programs as rapidly as possible so that today’s seniors can begin to benefit. Whether you can afford to contribute $25,000 or $25, your gift can make an important difference to those who are waiting for help now, as well as to the rest of us later on.

LiLY is a nonprofit, Section 501(c)(3) Organization, qualified by the IRS to receive tax deductible donations under the federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) 80-0401075. You can make checks payable to:

Lifeforce in Later Years, Inc.
P.O. Box 250402
New York, NY 10025

You can also make a contribution via our PayPal account:

There are more ways than one to support LiLY’s work. Aside from donating money or goods, you may want to volunteer your services for one of our programs. You can send an e-mail to Irene Zola. We will be happy to count on you as a human resource.

You can volunteer for LiLY’s Morningside Village program if you live within its

catch­ment zone
catch­ment zone is a term Morning­side Vil­lage has ta­ken from Hu­man Geo­gra­phy to de­note the geo­gra­phi­cal area whose in­ha­bi­tants Morn­ing­side Vil­lage at­tracts and serves.

Here is a Goo­gle Map of the Morn­ing­side Vil­lage Catch­ment Zone.

its geographical area. You can contribute your talents and skills in many ways to the Morningside Village program, including in our popular and rewarding position as a Morningside Village Volunteer. For more information, send an e-mail to