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Legacies(tm) 2015

Manchurian Candidate

David Amram composed and or­ches­trat­ed the film­score for the Man­chu­ri­an Can­di­date in the spring of 1962, during an intense month of creativity in Hol­ly­wood.



In this audio clip, Da­vid Am­ram talks with Mala­chy Mc­Court about their up­com­ing April 20th ap­pear­ance at the LiLY Leg­a­cies 2015™ Ga­la Fund­raiser.

We are thrilled to announce that the LiLY Continuing Legacies™ 2015 Award re­cip­i­ent is composer, orchestrator, con­duc­tor, and instrumentalist: David Am­ram, a truly generous spirit at the fore­front of America’s creativity in music and its intersections with poetry and literature.

The award will be presented during the 2015 LiLY Gala Fundraiser scheduled for Monday, April 20th, 6:30pm–9:00pm, with a VIP Reception during 5:30pm–6:30pm.

Join Dick Cavett, Malachy McCourt, Keir Dullea, Mercedes Ellington (grand­daughter of the Duke), and other surprise guests and luminaries from the creative com­mu­ni­ties, in a celebration of David Amram’s continuing legacy.

To purchase tickets, click this link:
LiLY’s 2015 Legacies Award Gala.

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