This is the old, archived, LiLY website.
For the current
Lifeforce in Later Years
Lifeforce in Later Years (LiLY)
is changing the landscape for older seniors and their families
at a time when America is facing a looming crisis in eldercare.
LiLY creates compelling programs that galvinize people
to raise the quality-of-life-standard for our oldest community members!
LiLY focuses on:
community-based models,
the promise of media for culture change,
the power of intergenerational and other partnerships!
Info@L-i-L-Y.org212-222-4704917-775-119980-0401075250402New York CityNY10025USLiLY Executive DirectorIreneZola@L-i-L-Y.org212-222-4704917-775-1199IreneZolaLiLY Executive DirectorIreneZola@L-i-L-Y.org917-775-1199212-222-4704